
87. Making Room

Bonus Last Panel: I have been interested in representing my (deeply flawed) internal processes as homunculi for quite a bit. It has shown in my previous work. I will keep developing these ideas, but I kind of like these current, ethereal versions. Lastly, am I reading a book about learning to write comics as an idiot creator or am I learning how to write comics for idiot readers? Only time will tell, my dear readers.

86. Move over Robin and Nighthawk

Based on a conversation about titmouse birds. But the birds are real! Learn about them here: Masked Booby Siamese Fireback Cock of the rock Letting your imagination run wild is not as wonderful as you might want. I spent all week imagining what a cock-on-the-rock would look like. This, my dear readers, is the more sanitized version.

85. True Selves

One of my favorite things about my life is that I found someone with whom I can unmask with. I've always had a hard time with wearing masks, but we must when we chance upon adulthood. We all would rather be home cuddling, or playing video games or playing with your pets than the myriad activities we must endure as an adult. It feels good to have someone who knows your every inch. Even better when that someone doesn't run away when they get to know all of you. Love you all, have a great weekend!

84. Healthcare privacy act

Note: Trying out a minimalist art style for quick ones. This is an exaggeration of true events. Although HIPAA  does protect your personal information in many ways, the logistics of Healthcare make it nigh impossible to completely be private. When I got my vasectomy, we had to drop some semen samples afterwards to make double sure we got snipped correctly. Well you have to go from ,erm, production of the sample to testing within 30 minutes. I live 10 minutes away from work, thankfully. I can't imagine how people who live further away do it? Well I can, but I don't want to. When I got to the line for the lab, the nurse was like... any semen samples??? And 4 of us had to be like... yes. 2 of them I recognized from work. So it is what is. I don't care that much, but complying with it is a logistical problem more often than not.

83. The Conways

Because you know there's probably already talks about doing a reality TV show with these two. Is it me or is everything that happens in the present state of United States politics making us dumber? It feels like we are constantly redefining rock bottom. We know that the religious right is a hypocritical bunch, gung-ho about abortion but silent about asylum and immigration. What I thought was the  dumbest thing about the United States, the guns, is like #12  since 2016. It has been extremely weird, but at the very least it has made people more active politically, which can only mean good things.

82. A second visit to the adoption agency

This one has 100% less anuses references! I did this one mostly to appease my mother, who was horrified by the previous one! I chose cats. That means no leather furniture. I’ve known some people who got rid of cats because of their ruined furniture. To me these are the lowest of the low. I don’t have kids because I would be a terrible parent. But I know I can and will take care of cats very well until they die, even if they die through peeing on everything I own. It’s for life, yo!

81. Cat Adoption Agency

Some of my comics are well thought of and have a clever or emotional subtext. This one is also a comic.

80. Chromatic Dementia

This has happened to me countless times. Even Goodwill and Salvation Army have been like “ya got any new colors my man?” Moving in with Roxanne and my new limited space for clothing hopefully helps.

79. A Squashing Failure

Dear Diary, today I screwed up. I wanted to surprise my patient wife with a home cooked meal. This comic is a reenactment for artistic purposes. In reality what happened was that I used an old Blue Apron recipe card and I failed to remember that the squash came pre-cut. My wife actually came to the kitchen and when she saw the squash in the pan could not contain her laughter. I did receive a pat in the head for trying. 

78. Blinded and Tied

This weekend my brethren were literally in the dark. It’s hard being here and speaking for the ones that are left behind, but this is what it feels when people tell me Venezuela should fend for itself. Inspired by a talk with my friend Raquel. English Version:

77. Masked Elder

Goka gotha n'ghft. Nog ron Cthulhunyth Throd mnahn uh'e llll vulgtm. The Masked Singer meets HPL .

76. It's all fun and games

I know I’m a broken, pleasure seeking being. And I made my peace with that. Speaking of pieces, I love the me-themed meeple!

75. Damn Millennials

They get blamed for everything these days. This article from the Atlantic discusses the lack of sex thing. Some other things the Millennials are said to be murdering with their fair judgement and lack of disposable cash.

74. Dunning Kruger

Since writing this comic I saw a documentary about flat earthers. It was mildly sympathetic to the flat earthers so I feel kind of bad about this one. I still believe that the main problem is that they have too much certainty compared to the assumptions they are making. Intelligent people will always doubt themselves and unintelligent people will always be full of certainty. It’s the way it has always been. You have to wait until a certain percentage of the population is ready to receive your knowledge and them spray it all over their faces. But then, even when something has been established, you may get flat earthers and anti-vac people. We just have too many of us in the planet. I wonder what the red hat is all about?

73. Catharsis

I bet I'm not the only cat household who has had this dream. This is inspired by Khaleesi, of whom I made one of my first comics.

72. A sock story

I make no apologies for the sock on sock action.

71. My curvy sidechick

Alternate, Lynchian ending:

70. Only 2018's kids will get this

The game is Red Dead Redemption 2. It's the funnest game I'll never finish. Update: Still haven't finished it (2/21/19) Update: Finished it! (12/1/2020)

69. The newlyweds discover operant conditioning

Roxanne did the lettering!

68. How do you solve a problem like Venezuela?

This experience makes me think twice about giving my opinions about countries I have no part of. Sorry Britain, for calling you an imbecile for Brexit! Sorry Spain for saying the Catalan exit was misguided and ridiculous. Sorry Saudi Arabia for saying you were a backwards country whose stranglehold on women's rights is such that we were forced to celebrate the small win of letting women drive! Ok maybe I'm not so sorry. But I promise to research more and more when I cross international lines.

67. Breaking News

Overthinking is my superpower! Also, I prefer simpler solutions! I think those two statements contradict each other! No they don't! Maybe... Still, I stand by both!

66. It takes two...


65. Farewell tour

His last tweets are like some mad scramble to hold his base.

64. A nation of addicts

If you had already demonized the Covington kids before reading. If you laugh at "we need us some climate change up in here".  If your feeds include the Huffington Post or the Drudge Report. You may be addicted! Some tips: -Every once in a while, read an article from a smart person you don't agree with (Yes, they exist). -Don't read articles whose title are meant to excite you: "Trump is a conman" "Climate Change Scientist admits he's wrong" -Look at the sources when broad claims are made. Don't assume they are right just because you agree with them. We've all screwed up in this world of information overload. Be aware of what you do when you repost, or even click on an article. May we be cleansed! Bonus: Look how this post in reddit created a massive backlash!

63. Ravaging

I truly know I'm in denial about aging, yet some days I look at the mirror and don't understand some of my new "features".

62. My mom's short adventure

Lady parts do seem to make everything harder. I am more and more aware of this and I'm so sorry.

61. Sweater Weather

This happens to me an inordinate amount of times. I'm stuck on an airport so I was able to vent with a toon.

60. Digito Mori

We are leaving all kinds of different traces nowadays!

59. Buggatarians

You know they are coming for dinner one day! The first thing they'll let you know is that it's actually called entomophagy. This article is worth a read ... "My first meal taught me that crickets taste like dirt." "I woke up feeling depressed."But then I threw it up and continued to cry." Just the kind of reactions I fear!

58. Ocasio's Cock

My money is on her in this twitterfight!

57. Barking Mad

Did you know dogs bark in different languages? Well they don't, but  for some reason we do  onomatopeya them completely different! Inspired by a curious Czech girl.

56. Meta Dysmorphia

When even your creations don't measure up to their expectations!

55. Razor Thin

In all honesty though, I love the ad .

54. Hamberders


53. The cycle

I am constantly in this loop of wanting to do too much and then realizing I'm doing too much and then realizing I'm not doing enough. Is this what being an adult is like? The cycle knows.

52. I miss facts

The last one is killing us.

51. Piled On

From the vantage point of this respite I'm having from depression, thanks to therapy, medication and love; I can describe a bit how it felt. Not only does it not help knowing that you have 'no reason to be depressed', that knowledge is part of the stereophonic,self-hating dialogue that keeps you depressed. Guilt and depression like to hang out together, but the truth is that depression doesn't care about success. So don't be too hard on the successful depressed, their suffering is likely as real as anybody's. 

50. Psychology 101

This is not original material. Someone told me a version of this joke back in 1999 when I was starting my studies in psychology. It was a great way to learn about the different disciplines, in a caricaturization. My chosen discipline is behaviorism, which focuses on behavior and the environment. We don’t know or worry much about what happens in that little noggin of ours, we mostly care about our overt behavior and the observable conditions that change it. It is perfect for me, as I find that the soft squishy feely feely stuff is hard to understand, control and replicate. And no, I don't mean penis when saying "soft squishy feely feely".

49. I took my wife to Venezuela once

Her autumnal red hair was not the most surprising thing about her to the locals! People did ask us literally if we really meant "not even chicken".

48. Prepositions part 3: Khaleesi takes a knee

Nothing should be in somebody's lap! And yet, both are acceptable uses.

47. Prepositions Part 2: An Eris Mattress

You are considered to be "in the bed" when you have a flimsy fabric on? Nay, I say. Go all the way, be inside the bed. Otherwise you're on the bed.

46. Prepositions Part 1: A Twinkle in Time

If you are a native English speaker, this may not weird you as it does English-as-a-second-language folks. We don’t make the distinction between in-on in Spanish, we can use other prepositions (inside/ atop) to guide us. Things get funny with English, specially when dealing with abstract concepts. How can I always be "on time", but "in time I will learn something"? What dictates these functions? It’s madness I say! More tomorrow.

45. It gets emotional

This isn't about boys and girls. My mother is not famous for her emotional literacy, and I love her to pieces. I have met men who leave most women in the dust when it comes to describing their emotional landscape. However, it is a characteristic in which people vary. I am trying to learn, to become better with my words. The emotional wheel observed here is based on the Junto wheel , if you are curious about it please mosey on to their website and discover.

44. Who really opposes Universal Background Checks?

I'm really tired of the debate, so I'll just poke fun at it. Everyone who knows me knows that I am biased against the careless and wild adoration and accumulation of guns. There's an emotional aspect to this, as I have been the victim of gun violence. In my case the only thing that would have helped is less guns, not more good guys with guns. The one thing that frustrates me is the reluctance to do anything. The arguments against universal background checks from the NRA are repetitious as ever . Their argument goes a little like this: "We shouldn't compel a universal background check for all sales of all weapons because it wouldn't stop all crime and people could still get guns from the black market". However, they tacitly acknowledge that it could have stopped some. Over 3 million denials since the Brady act in the nineties. Not all of them found their way to the black market. Lives have been saved, guaranteed. The link from the NRA also shows how weird t...

43. Good choices are not my forte

All manner of horrors follow me, frustrated at my inattention.

42. Gospel

We all have a message to give. I just hope I don't end up going door to door for it.

41. There’s a special place

Lucky to find a girl that is nauseated by prescribed, mass produced messages in home decor. They would be in our hellscape for sure!