256. Procrastinkation

Pre-soaking isn't a thing. Every once in a while, maybe, a pot needs a little water before cleanup but I'm entirely convinced it's something that me and people like me made up. As an ex-bachelor I can absolutely admit that there isn't any science behind it. It's just a way for me to put off my duties for a little longer.

So I'm sorry roommates, mother, girlfriends, wife. I'm sorry about this abhorrent practice and I will indeed be better. Laundry doesn't need time to rest before being brought up. It certainly doesn't need to slowly make it's way to the laundry room. Socks aren't having a grand affair. I'm just lazy. Again, I'm sorry.

The funny thing about drawing Xena, our female dog is that when you grab her, she really looks like that. A stiff uncomfortable mess. It looks like I was making a shortcut but, no, that's what she looks like!

In author news, this week has been very momentous. I have a new job! I announced it this week to my team of 28 people I manage. I won't bore you with deets, but it's about data and hospital quality and reducing healthcare costs and I'm super psyched to be a part of it! Last time I went through a change like this I told you about it through a comic


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