212. Love Languages


Today, my wife and I have been married for 5 years. What connected a liberal girl from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and a weird guy from Venezuela? Hell if we know. But it works.

While the relationship is fantastic and easy, the cohabitation has been a journey. This whole blog has been a way for me to process the changes I've had to go through to become a passable adult. My tenth comic (good luck deciphering it) was all about this being my biggest challenge in adulthood. I had to learn to leave the sponge out of the sink and apologize correctly. I had to learn that socks in the floor were in no way cute. 

Our wedding changed my life for the better, full stop.  Change doesn't always feel like a good thing, but I love the man I am today more than the man I was 5 years ago. I just wish I could keep marrying her every 5 years to jolt even more change in my life!

My wife's love language is behavior (usually with a sponge and broom), my love language is actual language. Our common love language is laughter, may we continue to speak it so eloquently to each other throughout life.

And yes, we are MSTies. If you know you know.


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