188. Long Con

When I lived in Venezuela, we used to say that United States citizens “Lived to Work instead of Working to Live.” After almost 20 years here in the USA, that stereotype rings true; specially for boomers. Labor is Jesus for so many of the people in this country.

It seems that no matter if your job is actually saving people in the emergency room  or selling subscriptions for the National Enquirer, people in the United States give their all to their job. They spend their earnings on pools they don’t have time to swim in and call it good with a one week curated vacation a year. It’s always resorts and cruises with these folks, a formulaic approach to life. Hard work plus cruise = live, laugh, love.

For the last few months I’ve been running a COVID vaccine clinic. 11 hours a day 5 days a week, with the occasional weekend. This is the main reason why I haven’t been able to draw and write. It’s the most I’ve ever worked in my life for such as sustained time. It’s easy, though, when you believe in the outcome. I understand why doctors and nurses and other healthcare workers are prone to burning out. It’s hard not to give all of yourself when what you’re doing is indubitably the thing the world needs.

For most of us, most of our working life isn’t like that. And that’s ok. Our jobs are not who we are, just a way of navigating the perilous world of sustaining yourself in this day and age. Life should allow you to discover new things, like a penchant for producing mediocre comics or becoming a better partner; many people don’t allow themselves the time to explore these vital things. 


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